COVID-19 Personnel & Ridership Impacts

COVID-19 Personnel & Ridership Impacts

MARTA is closely monitoring the latest developments regarding COVID-19 and following guidance from public health authorities to proactively implement measures that help protect the safety of our employees and customers. In the interest of protecting our employees' medical privacy, we treat health information in strict confidence. We are unable to release information that may compromise the privacy of any member of our workforce, including specific job titles or any personally identifiable information.

MARTA COVID-19 Service Modifications

  • Reported COVID-19 Diagnosis: 2112

    DepartmentWork LocationCase #MARTA Notified of Positive ResultCase StatusLast WorkedEmployees in Close Contact
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Unknown12020-03-22 2020-03-110
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Perry B Division22020-04-24Return to Work2020-03-174
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Headquarters32020-03-30Return to Work2020-03-194
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Unknown42020-03-24Return to Work2020-03-114
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Unknown52020-03-26Return to Work2020-03-174
    DEPT OF RAIL OPERATIONS Avondale Rail East-West62020-04-06Return to Work2020-03-172
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Unknown72020-03-27Return to Work2020-03-190
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Perry B Division82020-04-06Return to Work2020-03-223
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Laredo A Division92020-03-27Return to Work2020-03-172
    DEPT OF BUS OPERATIONS Unknown102020-03-29Return to Work2020-03-2735

    * Cause of death unrelated to COVID-19


    • Employees identified as having close contact (above) are notified and sent home for quarantine/monitoring of symptoms under the care of their personal healthcare provider.
    • MARTA only reports confirmed cases involving our employees. Contractors and members of the general public are not included in MARTA's public reporting of COVID-19 cases. 
    • For MARTA's reporting purposes, a case is considered "confirmed" upon receipt of documentation from public health authorities or an employee's medical provider. 
  • COVID19 Ridership Monitoring

    The table below shows daily updates on PRELIMINARY rail and bus ridership starting March 2, 2020. This information is subject to re-statement as late data emerges and as we seek the best method to measure ridership in a rapidly-changing situation. MARTA reserves the right to restate this data, and the information is not suitable for auditing or financial reporting purposes.